Children's Work on Sundays


We have a crèche for babies and toddlers (0-3 years) at the 10.30am service.

Children are encouraged in free play with toys and books available. The crèche room is open throughout the service, but we love having a family environment and so encourage all children to stay in the service at the beginning. Ask one of the welcome team where to take your child when you arrive in church.

The crèche is situated in the room on the right hand side as you come in through the main church doors.

You will be able to listen to the service through an audio feed into the crèche room.

Junior Heroes

We are passionate about communicating the truth of the gospel with our children in order that they can come into a relationship with God. One of the days we do this is with our Sunday groups which run during the 10:30am service.

We have a number of groups for our under 11s which make up Junior Heroes. Each Junior Heroes group currently follows a range of different material which aims to teach the children about the Christian faith and disciple them in following God. The children are in church for the first 20 minutes where there is often a talk aimed at the younger members of the congregation. They will then leave during the main part of the service for their own activities. Whilst out in their groups they can expect to learn more about the Christian faith through - singing, reading the bible, watching bible story videos, craft, drama, baking, games and other creative means.

All our groups for the under 11s meet in the sports hall. The groups are as follows:


3-5 years / preschool age - Reception


6-8 years / School Years 1-3


9-11 years / School years 4-6

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